May 2Liked by Clara Llamas

Hi Clara,

Thanks for sharing the article. This is really amazing. You may already know this, but tools like Polinode make it easy to do this job, and Microsoft is experimenting with a similar concept.

The problem I face is that I am based in Germany, where data protection laws are quite strict - and for good reason. But without data, this is not possible. How would you get the necessary input? There's also an inherent ethical issue. While the result could potentially facilitate change by harnessing social capital, it could also be used negatively to deliberately spread misleading information or to withhold information altogether.

Perhaps this is a design challenge in itself. I'm curious how you would approach this massive opportunity. Would you design for positive impact first and then address potential unintended consequences? I'm keen to translate these concepts into tangible outcomes and would appreciate your advice:).

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May 3·edited May 5Author

Hey Tomoko! Thank you for this.

I am also curious about the new tech tools that are emerging or exist to deal with some of these issues. We did a talk a few months back with two colleagues with whom we wrote a related article in Touchpoint mag and invited one of the folks from Microsoft working on Viva Insights.


Whilst I think those tools can elicit patterns and surface them, they do not inthemselves provide designs or guidance on best trayectories, so they are great monitoring tools, but what is being monitored? Who designed it? Why? What do the indicators tell us beyond high or low levels of connectivity and interaction? Does that constitute social capital in itself? To what outcomes?

Personally, I would like to first understand the connection of service design and social capital better, and see if I am able to visibilise it, and then try that in real life situations. Perhaps, as later step, I will consider the use of some of these technologies to evaluate and monitor. Surely as they (and we the service designers) become more sophisticated, they will become co-pilots or machine co-designers :)

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