Welcome to Design Mavericks, a blog by Marzia Aricò.

Design Mavericks are humans who operate outside of conventional design norms and practices. They reject the prevailing notion of design as a mere vehicle for aesthetics, and instead they embrace design as a medium for meaningful organisational change. They are changemakers. They challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and drive collective action to change organisations and institutions for the better.

Join us!

Every Thursday morning you’ll receive a blog post by Marzia Aricò, or one of her guests, discussing a topic relevant to design leadership and organisational change.

Want to know more about me?

I’m a design leader, author, speaker and coach.

I consult for organisations serious about changing their approach to change, enabling them to adapt and thrive as their context evolves. I don’t do status quo, I do transformation. Some of the clients I have worked with include adidas, Gilead Pharma, Gucci, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Xero.

I coach individuals in their design careers, whether they are pivoting into design, progressing into a leadership role, or aiming to become more effective design leaders.

I am a seasoned keynote speaker. I relish the opportunity to engage and provoke thought in my audiences through the power of design. My diversity strengths include being a woman, identifying as LGBTQ+, and coming from the southernmost part of Europe.

To know more about me, check out my website.

To read my daily updates and thoughts, follow me on Linkedin and/or Instagram.

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Weekly stories and reflections on design-driven organisational change, brought to you by Marzia Aricò.


I’m a 'get things moving' design leader. I consult organisations in service design, and coach individuals in design leadership.