
The Story of Jeanette Clement

Design Voices Elevated: Season 2, Episode 9

We’re at the end of Season 2 of Design Voiced Elevated, and to close, we’re returning to the topic of design within large organisations—a subject that those who’ve been following me for a while will know is my forte. For the final episode, I chose to interview Jeanette Clement, and after reviewing our conversation, I’m so glad I did! This interview covers many crucial topics, such as how to articulate the value of strategic design and how to recognise where an organisation's energy lies—in Jeanette’s words, “how to recognise a wave.”

Jeanette is the Head of Design at EE, part of BT Group. She is an expert in service design with extensive experience in helping it thrive within large organisational contexts. She shares her knowledge and perspective with humility, openness, and transparency, letting her true self shine through.

I’m deeply grateful to her for that. And thank you to all of you for following this season of Design Voiced Elevated. I’m already planning Season 3, so if you have any suggestions for people I should interview, please drop me a line—I’d love to hear from you!

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